Executive Leadership

Pastors & Staff

PastorJoe Washington Jr. , D.Div.


Loving husband, former police officer and father of 7 beautiful warriors,  Pastor Joe has been soul-winning and discipling for over 33yrs.  Love and obedience drive Pastor Joe to fight to redeem the souls, the land, and the time.  Get to know the covering of our ministry, Pastor Joe.  

Lady Rosalind Washington

Healing and Hospitality Ministry

Lady Rosalind full of love and compassion, strongly gifted in healing ministry and helps. Lady Rosalind has blessed multitudes through the loving kindness and giving heart of Jesus Christ.  She is also a watchman and savvy business woman protecting family and God's sheep. 

Mother Rose Washington, R.N.

Leader/Mother of Church

Known throughout the community, as Mama Rose, Mother Rose sets the standard of wisdom, compassion and love for God's people.  Public speaker and business owner, Mother Rose changes the atmosphere for the Kingdom of God when she enters a room. 
Youth on Fire for Jesus Christ!

Intercessors Jo'El, Joe, and Rajardus

Youth Intercessors

Gentle but strong giants, Joel and Joe have always been there as support for leadership.   They help to pray and interact with the community youth for the Love of Jesus Christ.  

Worship Leaders Pastor Lafael & Kamilla Banks

Highly gifted and powerful leaders of worship, Pastor Lafael and Kamilla Banks infuse Holy Spirit fused worship with the Word of God, bringing in souls to Jesus Christ and travelling the world, winning one soul at a time.   Amazing worshippers with their son Chayil Elohim, they are a force for the Kingdom of God!